Tag Archives: Plan your rebid

Learning by studying errors

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In my opinion there were three errors when this deal was played: a bidding error, a declarer play error, and a defensive error.


Check out the bidding first. Before you look at my opinion, who do you think made the error?





I don’t like South’s bid of 3C. North showed the major suits with no extras. From South’s perspective it is a misfit, and time to get out. But the better sign-off is to take the suit preference to two spades. North will be happy you stopped at the two-level. And North will like your two spade honors.


Now you are South in three clubs. (Suggest you print the NS hands to more easily follow the play.) Can you hold it to down one? West led the ace of diamonds followed by the king of diamonds at trick two. The eight of hearts then went to East’s jack. East continued with the ace of hearts. You trumped with a low club and led a low club to dummy’s ace as the queen fell from East. Back to your hand with the king of spades. Then the jack of clubs revealed the 5-1 break. West wins the king and exits with the four of hearts. How do you play from here? (Cover up the EW hands and see if you can avoid South’s error.)



Give it some thought before reading my recommendation.




The key is to make sure that West is on lead (end played so that she will be forced to exit with a trump from 9-6 to your 10-8. Do that by cashing the queen of diamonds and ace of spades. Then lead the queen of spades, discarding the nine of diamonds from hand. West will be in and forced to lead a club at trick 12.


The actual South did not do that. Instead, South cashed the 10 of clubs and had to lead the nine of diamonds at trick 12. Thus losing the last two trick to the 10 of diamonds and nine of clubs. The mistake cost EW a top board in a pairs game: Plus 100 instead of plus 50 by most of the field.




West erred on defense, however. West trumped the nine of diamonds, crashing East’s 10. And West had to give up a trick to South’s eight of clubs. Painful to watch.




Awesome Responsibility

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Your partner opens 2NT (20-21) in 2nd seat, making you “captain of the hand”. Assuming that RHO passes, what is your plan to direct the remainder of the auction? Here is your hand:

Your worry about the diamond void makes this a difficult problem. It looks like you have enough to be in game, holding ace of hearts and a runnable club suit. It will be best if you discover an 8+ spade fit. So, you respond three hearts, transferring partner to three Spades. But what do you do after that?


Knowing that partner will bid game in spades with at least three of them, bid 3NT. Yes, diamonds are causing you discomfort. But should partner have only two spades, she is likely to have diamonds well stopped. Don’t chance leaving partner in a 7-card spade fit opposite 5 crummy spades.

Thoughts on reopening the bidding with a balancing double

Situation: You open the bidding one of a suit in 1st or 2nd seat, left hand opponent makes a suit overcall, partner passes, and right hand opponent passes. Notice that partner did not make a negative double. Do you keep the auction open and, if so, how?

Marty Bergen has guidance for us in this situation.  I will summarize his guidance below, but first look at two hands I recently observed. For each of them would you bid, pass, or make a reopening double?

Hand 1:


Hand 2:

What did you decide?


Here is Marty’s guidance:

Doubling in this situation is not “automatic” as some players seem to think. The main consideration is your holding in opponent’s suit.

  • Void: It’s rarely the case that you should double. Defending with a trump void is usually not correct. I was surprised to read this guidance. But on reflection “law of total tricks” may work in opponents favor on average, so our side may get a better score on offense than by defending. What do you think?

  • Singleton: Usually the ideal time to double.

  • Doubleton: Good time to double an overcall at a low level.

  • Three cards: Try to avoid making a double.

  • Four or more: Never make a reopening double.

Post mortem on the two hands:

  • Hand 1: South made the reopening double, partner bid two hearts, and South ran to three diamonds resulting in plus 130 for above average board.

  • Hand 2: South chose to rebid three clubs holding 10 cards in the rounded suits. A reopenng double would have resulted in 1100 points for NS. North had the ideal “trap pass”, and the partnership missed the opportunity for a top board.

Plan your rebid

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When opening the bidding make sure you plan your reibid. Here is an example:

You are in 1st seat (both sides vulnerable) holding this hand:

You have an easy minimum opening bid of one diamond with your 13 HCP. Now anticipate a response from partner might make your rebid difficult. A one heart response would make it easy for you to raise to two hearts. A response of two clubs would make it easy for you to raise to three clubs. And a one spade response would make it easy for you to rebid one no trump.

Difficulty arises if partner’s response is one no trump. You hate to pass 1NT knowing that opponents have many spades plus a troublesome number of HCP. You hate to rebid diamonds with that crummy 5-card suit. And you are way too weak to reverse to two hearts.

But you have a couple of inferences available to help you decide: First, what is the minimum number of spades held by opponents?. Second, what is the minimum number minor suit cards held by partner?  Decide on your rebid once you answer those questions.

See my decision below:




Inference number 1: opponents hold at least nine spades. Partner has at most three spades and I hold one.

Inference number 2: Partner did respond one heart so has at most three hearts. Ergo partner must hold at least seven cards in the minors.


My rebid is two clubs. That’s your best chance for a plus score.Partner did not raise diamonds, so you should have at least a seven card club fit. You will be able to hold off an attack in spades because of your shortness. Partner may take the suit preference for diamonds which would be even better.

BTW, you may have seen this hand before. Do you know where?



Looking Ahead in the Auction

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You are in 2nd seat (vulnerable vs. NV). Right hand opponent opens preemptive three diamonds. You have this gorgeous hand, but bidding is already up to the three level.

It looks like you may have game or possibly slam in hearts. Most of the time that heart suit is going to bring in 8 tricks. How best for you and partner to find the right level in hearts?

You could double, planning to bid hearts later to show your big hand. Or you could bid four hearts immediately. Three hearts looks to be out of the question since you don’t want partner to pass. I chose to double. What would you do?

Decide on your call and I will tell you what happened below.













It did not go well for me. I failed to consider that left hand opponent might further the preempt. When West bid four diamonds, I suddenly realized that partner was likely to advance with four spades. That’s exactly what happened, and I was stuck trying to figure out what to do at the five level.

I should have bid four hearts at first turn. Preempts put the pressure on us, and I managed to put my partner in a difficult situation.


It’s Your Call

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You are in 1st seat, none vul., holding this hand:

What’s your call? Scroll down for my recommendation:

You have two quick tricks – the ace of hearts and two outside kings. You have a total of 10 cards in your two longest suits (hearts and spades). You have an easy rebid in hearts. Open the hand one heart. Don’t even consider preempting with this hand.

Judgments in Bidding

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Here is an interesting hand observed recently on BBO. Would you open this hand in 1st seat (none vul.)?

It’s a close call. There is a lot to be said for striking the first blow. You have two quick tricks and it makes Bergen’s rule of 20 (11 HCP plus 9 cards in your two longest suits). However, Bergen would downgrade for the ugly doubleton quack in diamonds. Offsetting that, you can add a point or two for length in clubs (but downgrade a little for crummy texture in the long suit). Bottom line is that the majority of good players would likely open the hand one club.

What would you do?


Another on Counting your Losers

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You opened one heart in 2nd seat and West overcalled two diamonds. Partner had enough strength to make a negative double at the two level. Having 5-5 in the rounded suits increased the value of your hand. So, you were willing to go to three clubs for your rebid. Partner took the suit preference for hearts and you bid game. Opening lead was the king of diamonds.


Here is what you saw summary of the bidding:

You were in a good contract. How would you play to make four hearts? Your thoughts on opening lead:

  • West should have the ace of hearts.
  • Other than that you have the remaining high hearts.
  • You have the top three clubs, and there is a good chance they will split no worse than 4-2 (84%).
  • You should lose no more than two spades and the ace of hearts.
  • Hearts should split no worse than 4-2 (84%).

Do those clues shed light on how you should play? Please let me know by email or in comments if you are unclear on what to do at trick two.

What’s your call?

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You are South in third seat with both sides vulnerable. Partner passes and East opens the bidding one club. It’s not often you get dealt a nine card suit. Here is your hand:

What’s you call and your plan for the remainder of the auction?

It looks like the opponents may have a game, particularly in hearts. You have 9 and 1/2 tricks. My recommendation is for you to jump to five diamonds. Five diamond might even make. Yes, that call might turn into a disaster, but it’s best to put opponents to the guess at the five level.


Inverted Minor Raises

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You are playing inverted minors and open this hand one club in first seat, none vul:

inverted minor rebid


Partner responds two clubs, an inverted minor raise promising 10+ points and 5+ clubs. What is your rebid?

Decide and then scroll down.












You have a big hand, and slam may be possible. Plan to go slow on your way to finding either 6NT or 6Cs. Your 1st rebid should be 2 diamonds, showing the nice stopper in that suit. If partner’s next bid is 2 spades, then you will continue with 3 hearts. As the cards lie, partner will then bid 4 diamonds. You will then bid seven no trump. It looks clear that 13 tricks are likely. Here is the actual hand:

inverted minor rebid 1

It’s your call

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I had the misfortune of playing against South on this hand. South did a better job of bidding than the other South’s in a BBO pairs game. Here is the hand:

your call3

What would you bid in 2nd seat after East passed? Scroll down if you would like to see my recommended bid.










You have a rock crusher — 8 and 1/2 tricks in hearts plus 17 high card points. Bergen would value the hand at 19+ starting points. But be careful. You don’t have a hand that justifies a strong 2 clubs opening bid. For that you need 9+ tricks in your hand. Open the hand one heart, planning to not to fall in love with it should your partner be weak. Most pairs overbid in the game I was in.

A Bidding Judgment Problem

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See update below

Here is a bidding problem that I got wrong recently:


What would you do after the auction shown? I failed to exercise my visualization skill. What is partner doing? Why is she bidding hearts after making the negative double? How big is her hand? Can you you make a better decision than I did? Let me know in the comments.

Update 6/2/2020:

Partner would have responded 3 hearts rather than making the negative double at her 1st turn. The negative double should have told me she is near to a game forcing hand or better. The three heart bid at 2nd turn suggests she has game forcing values and is looking for me to bid 3NT with a club stopper. Having none, I should bid out my pattern by making the rebid of four diamonds. Parter’s strengh must be in diamonds and hearts, and she she should have fewer than three spades with an honor. Here is the entire hand:

neg dbl5

What’s your rebid?

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*See Marty Bergen’s latest article on page 53 of this month’s Bridge Bulletin: “Secrets of accurate hand evaluation – part 10”. I recommend that you read all articles in his series on hand evaluation.

The Sometimes Curse of 3NT

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We are always reluctant to go past 3NT in the bidding, particularly when rebidding a minor suit after partner bids of 3NT. Here is a hand I held as South recently where I faced that dilemma:


My hand values at 20 points after partner rebids her clubs (the club queen will fill in her suit). I jump to three diamonds at my second turn, forcing to game and showing slam interest. Do you agree with my action so far? What would you do after partner bids 3NT?

I chose to pass. That was a mistake in retrospect. By rebidding four diamonds, we can reach a minor suit slam in diamonds or clubs. My hand to too unbalanced to sit for 3NT.

Planning your Rebid

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Here is a common situation. You have a minimum opening hand, so you must plan a rebid that does not get the auction too high should partner respond one spade.


I recommend opening one diamond, planning to make a comfortable rebid of two clubs. That distorts partner’s image of your shape, but she will clearly know that your opening bid was minimum.

You may want to change that plan if opponents interfere. For example, say your left-hand opponent overcalls one heart, and your partner responds one spade. Since your partner did not make a negative double, you know she has at least five spades (double would promise exactly four spades). In that situation I recommend you switch your rebid to 1NT. Partner will know that you have fewer than three spades. And even though your spade is singleton, it sure is a nice one!

Rebid Dilemma

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I was too cautious and we missed our game.

Hard to Put on the Brakes

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It was hard for NS to put on the brakes on this hand:

no brakes


South decided to make the takeout double rather than overcall with his nice hand. When his rebid was two spades, he confirmed a big hand. North was broke and signed off in three diamonds, which went down two.

I suggest South could have done better by overcalling one spade at 1st turn. In retrospect the Q 8 of hearts should be downgraded, and there is too much uncertainty about finding a spade fit. The overcall will get that cleared up immediately. (It’s, of course, easy for me to say all this when all four hands are visible!)

Be careful not to fall in love with your hand when RHO has opened the bidding. Your partner is unlikely to have much help.

Notice the difference between this auction and the auction in my last two posts (here and here) on this hand. This time East chose not to open 1NT while holding a five-card major. Opening 1NT with a five-card major works out most of the time in opinion of experts. But this time the major suit opening bid worked out better for EW.

Another Competitive Auction

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Plan your Rebid

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Your rebid

Beware of Misfits

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