A Puzzle for the Defense

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Here is a good defensive puzzle. You are East. How do you plan to defend after partner leads the queen of hearts?


3 comments on “A Puzzle for the Defense

  1. I’ll be interested to see your answer to this one. Partner could have QJ10 tight in hearts here, in which case you need to return the heart deuce and somehow signal to partner to lead a spade instead of a club after he clears the hearts. Alternatively, if hearts are 4441 around the table it will be better to cash the ace of spades before returning a heart to avoid any misunderstandings. I have never had a sufficient partnership agreement to be certain that there would not be a misunderstanding in the first case.

  2. Good view of partber’s hand, Steve. We will talk about this on Wednesday.

  3. Good view of partner’s hand, Steve. We will talk about this on Wednesday.

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