How would you play this one?

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Put yourself in the South seat on this hand. You are declaring 3 hearts after the auction shown below. Opening lead is the deuce of clubs. What is your plan?


Reminder of fundamentals involved:

  1. Think before you play to trick one.
  2. Count your losers.
  3. Remember the bidding.
  4. Visualize opponents’ hands as best you can.



Counting losers:

  1. Spades? Zero.
  2. Hearts? Zero
  3. Diamonds? Two. You are missing the ace and queen
  4. Clubs? Two. You are missing the king, queen, and jack.


Visualizing opponents’ hands from the bidding:

  1. East passed in 2nd seat, so should have fewer than 12 HCP.
  2. West made a takeout double after your opening bid. So, West should have an opening hand and likely shortness in hearts, 4-spades (no overcall), support for the minors.
  3. East advanced with 2 clubs. East must have 4 clubs or West would have fewer than 3 clubs for her takeout double (althought it’s possible West’s shape is 4-2-5-2).
  4. West’s rebid was 3 diamonds over your rebid of 2 hearts. West’s shape must be something like 4-1-5-3. How many hearts does that give to East? How many diamonds?
  5. Visualization: East’s shape is likely 4-4-1-4, and East’s singleton diamond is a worry.


Decide on your plan of play and then scroll down to see mine.














I plan to win the ace of clubs at trick one. Draw trumps and lead the 10 of diamonds, intending to let it ride. That will hold my diamond losses to one trick when West has ace, queen 5 times (10 tricks). If the finesse losses, I will still be home with 9 tricks, contract making.

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