Tag Archives: Defensive carding

A Counting Puzzle for the Defense

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This is your hand:

You are West defending South’s contract of four spades after the following auction:

Your good opening lead is the queen of clubs, and here is what you see:

As usual, you will must think about where your tricks are coming from. See if you can uncover where partner may have some help. Follow the play until trick 7, and you will have enough information to solve the puzzle.


Scroll below for my solution:

















Clues: Did you notice that partner gave you high-low during 1st two rounds of spades? That indicates interest in obtaining a ruff. Also, did you notice that declarer showed up with second diamond (the 3 of diamonds) at trick 7? How many remaining diamonds does that leave for partner?

Solution: Play low at trick 7, partner will ruff dummy’s honor. Declarer will not be able to establish diamond winners in dummy. Defense will come to four tricks: one club, two diamonds, and one ruff.

BTW, have you seen this hand before from another perspective?