Category Archives: Defense

It’s your lead

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See undate below.

Your right hand opponent opens the bidding two clubs in 3rd seat. You pass, and left hand opponent makes a waiting response of two diamonds. Right hand opponent rebids 2NT (22-23), and left hand opponent signs off at 3NT.

Now it’s you lead to 3NT holding

your lead


Your thoughts?

Start counting. Declarer has 22 to 23 and you hold 8. That leaves 9-10 between your partner and dummy. Dummy raised to game, so should have at least 3-8 points (did not make 4NT slam invitation with 9-10). Opponents showed no interest in the majors.

What do you lead and why?


I would lead the six of spades, hoping that partner has the jack or that declarer cannot tell  who has the king or queen of spades. Anything else loses timing advantages on defense. Don’t even think about leading the three of clubs on that bidding.

Defense and Declarer Play Exercises

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Here are the last two exercises from Wednesday’s class:

Exercise 3. Defense puzzle

Put yourself in the East seat. Bidding was:



West leads the 5C and you see this dummy in North


North calls for the jack. What do you make of West’s lead? What is your plan? Give me your ideas in the comments.  I will post the solutions on Sunday.


Exercise 4. Declarer play puzzle

You are South in four hearts after the following auction:



Do your like the bidding? How many losers do you have? What do you make of West’s lead? What is your plan? Give me your ideas in the comments.  I will post the solutions on Sunday.