Category Archives: Exercises: It’s Your Call

Misbid these hands with me

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We had another fun discussion in yesterday morning’s lesson. Subject was the reasoning that led to two of my bidding errors from Sunday:

Exercise 1. It’s Your Call:

You are the dealer (favorable vulnerability) and open the bidding one diamond. LHO passes and your partner responds one spade. RHO passes and it’s your turn. Bidding so far:


Here is the your hand (the hand I held):



How good is your hand in view of partner’s response? And what is your rebid? Give it some thought before scrolling down to read my reasoning.













My thinking was that partner must have five spades. Why? There are 13 missing hearts in the other three hands, and partner would have responded one heart with 4-4 in the majors. But holding five spades and four hearts, partner would respond one spade. And partner would also respond one spade with 5-5 shape in the majors. Since opponents were silent at their first turn (did not overcall or preempt in hearts), I concluded there was an odds-on likelihood that partner had five or more spades. With the presumed 8-card or better spade fit and my big hand, I invited game in spades by leaping to three spades.

That was a mistake. “Odds-on” does not mean it’s a sure thing. I failed to allow for the possibility that partner held only four spades. Much better would have been to show my invitational hand by leaping to three diamonds. We could still find an 8-card spade fit (or better) as the auction progressed from there. There was no need for me to be in such a rush.

BTW, do you agree that my hand contained invitational values? How do you evaluate the hand?

Exercise 2. It’s Your Call:

Put yourself in my seat as West enjoying favorable vulnerability. North deals and opens the bidding one spade. East passes and South responds two spades. Bidding so far:


Now it’s West’s turn. West holds:


The question is should you “balance in the direct seat”? That sounds contradictory (and it is), but it’s sometimes done when you deduce from the bidding that partner is unlikely to balance in the pass out seat. In this case you are worried that the bidding will die with North-South in two spades. Why are you worried?  You think they can make two spades, and you would like to push them up one level. But is it right to pre-balance with your hand by bidding three hearts at this point in the auction?

Give it some thought and then scroll down.








I made the mistake of bidding three hearts. It was way too aggressive without a known heart fit and much better hand, including decent strength in my 5-card heart suit. There is good guidance for balancing in direct seat on Wikipedia (looks like Larry Cohen probably authored most of it). You can prebalance at the two level if the auction in not higher than two hearts and you have a reasonable prospect of finding a fit. The link has a nice summary of when and why you should consider balancing.



Exercises on Weak Twos and Responses

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Aloha, Bridge Players!

Here’s the second part of our August 14th bridge lesson, with a focus on Weak Two bidding.

First, you may be interested in reading some ACBL (that’s American Contract Bridge League) lessons about Weak Twos:


Exercise 3: It’s your call. Bidding so far:


You are South holding:


Your call?

Think of your answer before scrolling down.







Your partner has a weak hand, and you have a known 9-card fit in spades. Further the preempt by responding 3 spades. It’s unlikely that you have a game. You may or may not make 3 spades, but the idea is to make opponents decide at the 4-level! They have more strength than your side. Good job in making their bidding life difficult.


Exercise 4. It’s your call. Bidding so far:

wk 2 bid

You are dealer as North (not vulnerable) holding:

wk w open

Think of your answer before scrolling down:









You are weak and have the right kind of a spade suit to open the bidding 2 spades. The problem is that you also have 4 hearts. Experts generally recommend passing in 1st or 2nd seat when you hold four of the other major. Here you don’t want to miss a game in hearts. Shortness in the minor suits is a real feature if you discover a heart fit, and your long suit may enable you to discard losers when it sets up. If your partner is a passed hand, however, it’s a good idea in 3rd seat to make bidding life difficult for the opponent in 4th seat by opening 2 spades.






Bidding and Declarer Play Exercises

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Aloha, Bridge Players!

We had a nice group at this week’s Hilo Bridge Club lesson and we had a thoughtful discussion. Today’s post summarizes the main lesson pointers that resulted from two parts of discussion.

Exercise 1: It’s your call. Bidding so far:


You are East holding:


What does West’s 2 bid mean? Your call?

Think of your answer before scrolling down.







Have you discussed this situation with your partner? Are systems on as if you had opened 1NT? Your partner is captain of the hand. If partner’s 2♥ bid is natural, she wants to play it there and you should pass. If it’s a transfer to spades, you should bid 2 spades and await developments. Here is relevant portion of a convention card the way I like to play it, with Systems On:



Exercise 2. Declarer Play: Plan South’s play at trick one in 4♠ after the following auction:


West’s opening lead is the 8♣. Your plan?


Think about your plan and play to trick one before scrolling down.








How many losers do you have? Possible losers are 2 spades, 2 hearts and a diamond for a total of five. You need to reduce the number of losers to three. Think about the bidding. What kind of a hand does East have? How about West? Specifically, who has the king of spades, the king and queen of hearts, the ace of diamonds? I am sure you have figured that out, so I leave the solution as an exercise for the reader. But please let me know if you are still puzzled. 



Here’s a good link to the basics of counting losers in a suit contract.

BTW, do you like North-South’s bidding?

August 7 Bridge Lesson Recap – More Exercises!

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Aloha, Bridge Players!

Yesterday we went over two bidding exercises that we covered in last week’s bridge lesson. Today it’s on to the second set of exercises for last week’s lesson.

Exercise 3: It’s Your Call. The bidding so far.


You are North holding:


What is the meaning of your partner’s Double and what is your rebid? Think of your answer before scrolling down.







Your partner promises at least 6 points and at least 4 hearts. That is the minimum necessary for a takeout double at the one level. You have a huge hand, valuing at 22 points in context of the known fit. Bid four hearts.

Exercise 4: Declarer Play. Plan South’s play at trick one in 3NT after the following auction:


*Fourth suit forcing

Opening lead is 3. Your play?


Think about your play to trick 1 before scrolling down.







Count your tricks in NT contract.

  • It looks like you have nine for sure: 3 spades, one heart, one diamond, and one club.
  • If the spades break 3-3 you will have 12 tricks. But you are going to need that ace of hearts as an entry to your remaining clubs. Go up with the ace of diamonds at trick one and run your nine sure tricks.
  • The danger of ducking at trick one (often recommended for NT contracts) is that opponents may shift to a heart, giving you a problem with your entry to clubs later in the hand.

Tomorrow’s another Bridge Day at the HBC in Kea’au. I hope to see you there!


Let’s Get Rolling! August 7th Bridge Lesson Recap

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Aloha, Bridge Players!

I’ve just returned from the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) Summer Bridge Championship in Las Vegas. I completed the educational requirements to be considered a qualified bridge teacher, and now I’m back to teaching my weekly class at the Hilo Bridge Club (HBC) which I’ll be recapping here on the HBC blog. So let’s get rolling!

Today we’ll have two exercises based on last Wednesday’s class, and tomorrow we’ll have two more.

Exercise 1: It’s Your Call. The bidding so far: ;


You are South holding:


What is your bid? Think of your answer before scrolling down to see the answer.





This is an exercise in recognizing a negative double situation. You have 7 points in context of the auction so far (the overcall promotes your K♠ and you have touching honors in clubs). Make the negative double in hopes of finding a 4-4 heart fit.

Exercise 2: It’s Your Call. The bidding so far.



You are South holding:


What is your bid? Think of your answer before scrolling down.








You have a nice hand in the context of the bidding so far. Your spade holding behind the opener is worth more than 6 points. You have touching honors in the club suit. This hand is worth an opening bid. But is it worth an overcall? I would overcall 2♣. Some may prefer a better club suit and would decide to pass.

Do not make a takeout double! Takeout double implies that you have at least 4 hearts and shortness in spades. And your hand is not big enough to double and then bid clubs.

See you tomorrow for two more exercises!
