Let’s Get Rolling! August 7th Bridge Lesson Recap

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Aloha, Bridge Players!

I’ve just returned from the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) Summer Bridge Championship in Las Vegas. I completed the educational requirements to be considered a qualified bridge teacher, and now I’m back to teaching my weekly class at the Hilo Bridge Club (HBC) which I’ll be recapping here on the HBC blog. So let’s get rolling!

Today we’ll have two exercises based on last Wednesday’s class, and tomorrow we’ll have two more.

Exercise 1: It’s Your Call. The bidding so far: ;


You are South holding:


What is your bid? Think of your answer before scrolling down to see the answer.





This is an exercise in recognizing a negative double situation. You have 7 points in context of the auction so far (the overcall promotes your K♠ and you have touching honors in clubs). Make the negative double in hopes of finding a 4-4 heart fit.

Exercise 2: It’s Your Call. The bidding so far.



You are South holding:


What is your bid? Think of your answer before scrolling down.








You have a nice hand in the context of the bidding so far. Your spade holding behind the opener is worth more than 6 points. You have touching honors in the club suit. This hand is worth an opening bid. But is it worth an overcall? I would overcall 2♣. Some may prefer a better club suit and would decide to pass.

Do not make a takeout double! Takeout double implies that you have at least 4 hearts and shortness in spades. And your hand is not big enough to double and then bid clubs.

See you tomorrow for two more exercises!





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