Aloha, Bridge Players!
Yesterday we went over two bidding exercises that we covered in last week’s bridge lesson. Today it’s on to the second set of exercises for last week’s lesson.
Exercise 3: It’s Your Call. The bidding so far.
You are North holding:
What is the meaning of your partner’s Double and what is your rebid? Think of your answer before scrolling down.
Your partner promises at least 6 points and at least 4 hearts. That is the minimum necessary for a takeout double at the one level. You have a huge hand, valuing at 22 points in context of the known fit. Bid four hearts.
Exercise 4: Declarer Play. Plan South’s play at trick one in 3NT after the following auction:
Opening lead is 3♦. Your play?
Think about your play to trick 1 before scrolling down.
Count your tricks in NT contract.
- It looks like you have nine for sure: 3 spades, one heart, one diamond, and one club.
- If the spades break 3-3 you will have 12 tricks. But you are going to need that ace of hearts as an entry to your remaining clubs. Go up with the ace of diamonds at trick one and run your nine sure tricks.
- The danger of ducking at trick one (often recommended for NT contracts) is that opponents may shift to a heart, giving you a problem with your entry to clubs later in the hand.
Tomorrow’s another Bridge Day at the HBC in Kea’au. I hope to see you there!