Aloha, Bridge Players!
Here’s the second part of our August 14th bridge lesson, with a focus on Weak Two bidding.
First, you may be interested in reading some ACBL (that’s American Contract Bridge League) lessons about Weak Twos:
Exercise 3: It’s your call. Bidding so far:
You are South holding:
Your call?
Think of your answer before scrolling down.
Your partner has a weak hand, and you have a known 9-card fit in spades. Further the preempt by responding 3 spades. It’s unlikely that you have a game. You may or may not make 3 spades, but the idea is to make opponents decide at the 4-level! They have more strength than your side. Good job in making their bidding life difficult.
Exercise 4. It’s your call. Bidding so far:
You are dealer as North (not vulnerable) holding:
Think of your answer before scrolling down:
You are weak and have the right kind of a spade suit to open the bidding 2 spades. The problem is that you also have 4 hearts. Experts generally recommend passing in 1st or 2nd seat when you hold four of the other major. Here you don’t want to miss a game in hearts. Shortness in the minor suits is a real feature if you discover a heart fit, and your long suit may enable you to discard losers when it sets up. If your partner is a passed hand, however, it’s a good idea in 3rd seat to make bidding life difficult for the opponent in 4th seat by opening 2 spades.