As South you opened 1NT in 3rd seat. 1NT gets passed out. Your mission is to plan the best chance for overtricks at matchpoints. Follow the play to the 1st two tricks and decide on your plan.
Trick 1: West leads the ace of clubs (A from AK), East plays the jack, and you play low.
Trick 2: West shifts to the three of diamonds, East play the nine, and you win with the ace.
Reminder: You need to employ two NT fundamentals:
What do you plan to do at trick three? Put differently, what suit is best to establish a winner now? Decide on your plan (be specific), and scroll down to see my recommendation:
I recommend you lead the nine of clubs at trick three. That has the effect of establishing two club winners while creating two club entries to dummy (the eight and queen will become winners in the dummy).
What if West refuses to win the king, leaving you with only one sure entry to dummy? In that case lead the AK of diamonds at tricks 4 and 5. Then lead the ace and jack of hearts at tricks 6 and 7. Now your entry to dummy is set up when you next lead a club.
BTW, the defense might cause you a problem at trick 7. Do you see what that might be?