It’s Your Call

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You are West and open the bidding with one heart (both vul). Here is your hand:

West hand

LHO (North) overcalls one spade, partner passes, and South (LHO) passes. Summary of bidding so far:

west bidding

It’s often a good idea to double in this situation, because partner may have made a trap pass with a good hand and good spades. In fact, Jim Cheney says, “it’s automatic”. You will never lose the heart suit unless partner passes your double for penalty.

However, you have a strong hand containing seven hearts. You would have to set the opponents down three for +800 to do better than your vulnerable game in hearts for +620. But if you can only make +140 part score in hearts, you would do better setting the opponents down one (+200) or down two (+500).

Is it best to rebid your hearts? If so, at what level? Or is it best to double? Your hand is too good to pass, so what is your bid? Double? Two hearts? Three hears? Four hearts?

Your thoughts in the comments, please.

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