Tag Archives: Managing the trump suit

Declaring a suit contract

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See update below.

board 19 play


Once you have answered that question, you must decide how to reduce the number of losers while managing the trump suit. Give it some thought and I will elaborate later today.

Update: Overtricks are important in our pairs game. Whats’ you best chance to make three or four spades?

It looks like you have two potential losers in the trump suit, none in hearts, one in diamonds, and two in clubs. That gives you five potential losers. It looks like there is nothing you can do about losers in diamonds and clubs. How do you plan to manage the trump suit for no more than one loser?

Best chance is to finesse left hand opponent for the remaining two spade honors. If she has just one of them, you will reduce your potential spade losers to one. If she has them both, you may avoid a spade loser altogether. Use those hearts for entries to take spade finesses (it’s okay to overtake the king with the ace). You still don’t have any heart losers.

Question: What would you do differently if the queen of clubs was a small club?