You are in 4th seat (vul vs not vul) and there are three passes to you. You have this nice hand:
Before opening the bidding you plan your rebid. What is your opening bid?
If you open one diamond, your partner may pass with a bad hand. But you may have a good play for game if your partner holds as few as three of the seventeen missing points.
If you open two clubs, your partner will respond two diamonds. A rebid of two spades would be a big lie, promissing nine plus tricks and a long spade suit. Raising diamonds does not sound right because you don’t want your bid hand to come down as dummy.
Best in my opinion is to open two clubs, planning to rebid two notrump (22-23 points) after your partner responds two diamonds. It’s a bit of a lie because of the singleton, but here are the advantages:
- Your partner will know within one-half point the high card point assets of your side.
- Systems are on (transfers, Stayman). Partner will know how to get to the best strain and level (game or part score).
- Since opener will be declarer, it is unlikely that the king of clubs will be captured on opening lead. Opponents cannot see your hand.
Have I missed something?