Do you have an opening hand?

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You are South in 1st seat with this hand:

rule of 20

Do you pass, open the bidding one club, or open with a preemptive three clubs?  This hand looks too good to pass or preempt.

There is a good guideline known as the “rule of 20” to assist in your decision. First add the number of cards in your two longest suits (7 clubs plus 4 spades equals 11 for this hand). To that total add your high card points (three queens plus an ace equals 10 points for this hand). If the total (11 plus 10 for this hand) is equal to or greater than 20 (21 for this hand), open the bidding.

Question: Would you open the bidding if your queen of clubs was the jack? Application of the rule results in exactly 20. However, most experts recommend that you need to hold two quick tricks to open when your total is exactly 20. For this hand you have only one quick trick: the ace of clubs.

That being said, I still recommend you open this particular hand one club. Examine the hand, recollecting that the queen of clubs is instead the jack. The hand is loaded with helpful intermediates (10s and 9s). The hand is likely to win at least 5 tricks in clubs ane one in spades — six tricks! Don’t you think that’s worth an opening bid?

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