Your opening bid?

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You are in 3rd seat. What is your opening bid with this nice hand?

2NT open

You have a balanced hand with 21 high card points. Open it 2NT. Don’t worry about the doubleton club. It’s best to describe your strength (20-21 points) and shape with one bid. Partner will know what to do.

If partner responds three clubs (Stayman), you will rebid 3 hearts. Then if partner tries to sign off in 3NT, you will bid four spades. You know from partner’s Stayman response that she has a four card major, and it must be spades. The golden major suit fit gives you a better chance for making game and and possible overtrick(s) than 3NT.

Note that you should bid hearts first in reply to partner’s Stayman inquiry with 4-4 major suit holding.

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