Whose hand is it?

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You are South holding this hand:


East deals and opens one spade. You pass (good call). LHO responds three clubs (alerted as a spade raise in the 8-10-point range, promising at least four spades). Your partner now overcalls three hearts and RHO tries to sign off at three spades.

It’s your call. Here is a summary of the auction:


What action do you take? First things first, how good is your hand in the context of the auction so far? Your partner has a nice hand with at least six hearts, so you have at least a 10-card heart fit. Opponents have minimum of 9-card spade fit, leaving partner with three or fewer spades. That singleton is a nice feature. Your other nice feature is the ace of diamonds. It looks like partner has at least nine tricks in hearts – 6 hearts, two spade ruffs and the ace of diamonds. Maybe your clubs will help her bring home a club trick. Time to be optimistic. Don’t give in to three spades. Bid four hearts.

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