You hold this hand in second seat (favorable vulnerability):
Your right-hand opponent opens the bidding one diamond. You pass with your ugly hand. Left-hand opponent responds one heart. Now your partner comes in with a preemptive overcall of two spades. Right-hand opponent doubles to show exactly three hearts. Summary of the auction so far:
*Support double showing exactly three hearts.
You know that partner is weak and opponents have game and possibly slam.
It’s your call. What do you do now? Let me know what you think in the comments.
June 15, 2020 at 9:58 am
Harry, Obviously I have seen this hand before. My thinking now is that I can count 7 spade winners (assuming you hold the A) so we are ahead playing in 4SX down 3. I should have bid 4 and not 3S. I can’t be sure that opps have slam and have no offensive tricks to contribute (well maybe the club Q) and shouldn’t risk taking a phantom sacrifice with a 5S call. You will be better placed to judge whether the sacrifice is a winner as the bidding progresses and there is a chance that opps will pass, double or stop at 5 hearts. Steve