This hand played by experts on BBO was bid nicely, but the play was botched. Follow along and see if you agree:
South got to four hearts after she opened the bidding one club, her LHO overcalled one spade, and her partner made a negative double.
Opening lead by West was the king of spades. Declarer won the ace, played a trump to dummy’s ace, and led a low club to the queen which won. Declarer can now conclude that West has the ace of clubs. If trumps split 3-2 and West has the king of diamonds, this contract should make: Go to dummy with a second round of trumps and lead a diamond toward the king-queen. If West plays the ace your diamonds are set up and your king of clubs is protected. If West plays low, you draw a third round of trumps and lead another diamond toward the queen. Contract should make with one spade loser, one diamond loser and one club loser.
Inexplicably to me, declarer led another club back toward the king at trick four and down she went. Here is the entire hand: